Ituha Church Plant
Kingdom Impact wishes to invest in Christian Organisations providing community services in Africa without prejudice of any sort.
We are pleased that this new venture led by Pastor Nsubili Mwakibibi at a suburb of Mbeya to the south of the main road as you leave Mbeya City heading for Iringa has now been truly planted
Nsubili with Riziki Mwakapugi, their families, and friends met for the first time on Sunday, October 13th 2019 at Nsubili's home.
With money from Kingdom Impact and with their own labour, a temporary building has been erected and occupied in the centre of their community. They meet on Sundays and other days of the week.
Please pray for:
People to be added to their number.
For the Church to be recognised by the Authorities
Provision in the form of self-sustaining projects for the Church Leaders and members of the community.
How to Donate

Kingdom Impact is seeking to gather a team of regular committed people to stand with Nsubili and his team.
We could meet their goal over 4 years if 20 UK donors gave £20 per month! Please consider supporting this enterprise
Gift Aid provides us with an additional 25% funds with your personal advantage as well if you pay tax at the higher rate. Gift aid is triggered in our system as long as we have your email - so please write to us.
Kingdom Impact Bank Details
Bank details for electronic payments which may be one-off or regular monthly payments:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Name: Kingdom Impact
Sort Code: 30-65-22
Account: 79541868
Reference: NB Ituha