Empowerment Projects
(Self Sustaining and employment producing)
Empowerment projects provide employment for leaders so enabling ministry.
Also known as self-sustaining projects, these projects are largely funded by individuals as funds become available. Wherever possible we aim to recycle repaid working capital loans into new projects. A central mPESA (Electronic wallet)
is in place to store repaid loans locally by an embryo "Kingdom Impact Tanzania" office in Mbeya.
Funded Projects: (most recent first)
Piped Water project for Southern Highlands Bible School, including diesel pump from an everlasting spring, pipework and storage for the college and near by community and nursery school.
(The college trains 30 pastors/year for KLPT Church Planting) -
7 significant agricultural projects ,1 with land purchase and all benefiting
from working capital loans that will be recycled into other projects after harvest time. Coming into a first harvest soon - Maize,beans, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes. -
3 animal husbandry loans for start up and working capital.
(Pigs, Chickens, Cows) -
2 start up working capital loans for manufacturing businesses.
3 working capital loans for general stores and a video production business.
20 microfinance business loans funded by the Catalyst Network of Churches.
Education bursaries for the children of Church Plant leaders.
Completion of a house for a Pastor's family with 2 children who would otherwise be homeless or to live in the Church building.
Please pray for:
Those people with projects that are not yet funded and for protection of key people. We have needed to fund urgent hospital treatment for Covid, Cancer and Malaria disease. We are now retaining a proportion of our income for emergency needs rather than running "mean and lean" as previously.
For the Spirit to lead relationships and a sensitivity in providing long term solutions
The dream, with some pre planning taking place, to launch
"Kingdom Impact Tanzania Limited"
a trading company to sell KI Accounts in Tanzania.
The aim would be to provide employment and after all necessary expenditure to make funds available for local ministry and all done by Tanzanians.

How to become involved
Kingdom Impact has been enabled to make an excellent start. Our desire is to significantly increase the empowerment side even more. To do this we need:
Additional volunteer mentors who understand the basics of business AND
willing and able to understand, evaluate and guide projects directly with our African partners.
People of influence who are willing to promote our fundraising activities channeling users to our consultancy and accounting products and services
Either someone to help administration as a volunteer, or for this post to be specifically funded. Longer term the trustees recognise that we have a continuity issue especially when our fundraising is extended to seeking bequests from those who have joined us.